In the world of law enforcement, "Code 3" is a term you might hear over the police radio or see in action when police cars speed through the streets
Read moreCode | Description |
A | Adult / No rain expected |
AC | Aircraft crash |
AC | Animal control |
ADW | Assault with a deadly weapon |
AID | Accident investigation detail |
APB | All points bulletin |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
AV | Abandoned vehicle |
B | Rain expected |
BKG | Booking |
BLK | Block |
BO | Out of order |
BOL | Be on the lookout |
CP | Complaining party |
CPD | City or county property damage |
CT | Court |
DB | Dead body |
DMV | Department of Motor Vehicles information requested |
DOA | Dead on arrival |
E-B | Eastbound |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival |
EXP | Expired |
FTA | Failure to appear |
GOA | Gone on arrival |
GTA | Grand theft auto |
I/S | Intersection |
INJ | Injury |
J | Juvenile involved |
LIC | License |
LT/T | Left turn |
M/C | Motorcycle |
NCIC | National Criminal Information Center |
NIA | Non-injury accident |
OBS | Observed |
OD | Off duty |
OP | LIC operator's license |
OT | Over time |
PAB | Policy administration building |
PI | Personal injury |
POSS | Possession |
QT | Secrecy required |
RES DIST | Residential district |
ROF | Report on file |
RP | Reporting party |
SPD | Speed |
UTL | Unable to locate |
VEH | Vehicle |
VIN | Vehicle identification number |
WIT | Witness |
X | Female involved |